Liquidity Provision & DelNorte Exchange

Liquidity within the Delnorte ecosystem is provided through multiple mechanisms, ensuring efficient trading and value realization for DAO participants.

DAO Liquidity Generation

Each DAO within the Delnorte ecosystem serves as its own ownership vehicle, generating liquidity through token trades. DAO members can offer their tokens for sale on the Delnorte Exchange, enabling the free trading of small quantities of DAO ownership, which in itself increases liquidity.

In addition to basic market trading, owner-centric offer types are available, providing enhanced flexibility for managing liquidity in low-demand environments:

  • First Right of Refusal: Existing token holders are given the priority to purchase additional tokens before new buyers, based on conditions set by the DAO.

  • Reserve System with Progressive Bid Steps: This system enables gradual ownership accretion by remaining owners if tokens are being sold, promoting price stability and maintaining control within the existing ownership base. This feature is particularly valuable in low-liquidity situations, alerting owners of pending sales and allowing for better control over token availability.

Most DAOs within the Delnorte platform are structured with this level of flexibility, ensuring that token trading is both efficient and aligned with owner interests.

Last updated